The Klínovec lookout is open daily from 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. in the summer season.

From 1.4. 2022 open daily.

You can watch a live feed from web cameras located in the observation tower on Klínovec. Thanks to two rotating cameras, you have an overall view of the landscape. Camera

Opening hours Admission fee
October – April 9:00 – 17:00 Adults 50 CZK
May – September 9:00 – 19:00 Children
Family admission (2 adults + 2 children)
up to 7 years free
100 CZK

Parking at the top of Klínovec

Parking fee price list
First hour free
Second hour 50 CZK
Each additional hour 25 CZK
Max. per day 150 CZK

The parking fee is paid at the cash desk.

Information about Klínovec

Klínovec – the highest mountain in the Ore Mountains – has been a sought-after excursion destination since the beginning of the 19th century. In the 70s of the 18th century, Richard Dotzauer founded the Central Committee to support the earning activity of the inhabitants of the Český Krušnohoří. In 1882, the Jáchymov municipality lent land for the construction of an observation tower free of charge. In 1884, an octagonal 17 m high observation tower was built on top. It was named the Lookout Tower of Emperor František Josef and was ceremonially consecrated and handed over for use on August 3, 1884. In 1893, a brick building with an inn room and a watchman’s apartment was added to the lookout tower.

From 1897, a post office operated in Klínovec, equipped with a telephone line from 1906. In 1900, a spacious hall was added, … Dotzauer Hall. A kitchen and nine guest rooms on the first floor were also added.

In honor of the sixty-year reign of Emperor Francis Joseph, J.R. Sobitschka holding the Jubilee Exhibition right on the top of Klínovce, focused on the presentation of the products of the inhabitants of the Czech side of the Ore Mountains. An exhibition hall with a spectacular coffered ceiling was built for this exhibition in 1907. The 26 cassettes show signs of mining towns from the Czech side of the Ore Mountains. The exhibition, opened with great fanfare on June 1, 1908, was visited by 40,000 visitors and distinguished guests. Since 1918, the exhibition hall has been called Sobitschkův sál. In 1912 – 1913, the accommodation facilities for up to 80 guests were expanded and the whole large area of ​​the hotel with an observation tower was created. In 1919, the lookout tower had to be repaired, and in 1929, the hotel was further expanded and accommodation could be provided for 112 guests. The hotel already had three large halls – the Dotzauer Hall, the Sobitschk Hall (originally the Jubilee Hall), and the Müller Hall (after the long-time chairman of the Jáchymov Ore Mountain Association). Thus, the entire area of ​​the mountain hotel with the lookout tower was completed.

During the Second World War, the hotel served military purposes, and after the war it was used by the army as a recreation center in the years 1951-1960. No site maintenance was carried out. In the 70s of the 20th century, the masonry of the lookout tower was reinforced with a concrete casing (so-called torcretage), which, however, accelerated the gradual destruction of the masonry. After 1990, the city of Jáchymov acquired the entire site, but sold it the following year. Soon after that, the area was sold again, so the hotel and the observation tower continued to deteriorate. The last owner offered the entire area for purchase by the city of Boží Dar. The council of Boží Dar decided on 7 August 2003 that the company Služby Boží Dar s.r.o. (whose 100% owner is the city of Boží Dar) will purchase the hotel with a view, which will gradually repair the area. When in 2004 the repair of the staircase and the roof of the observation tower began, it was discovered shortly after the start of the reconstruction that the tower had irreparably damaged masonry up to the depth of the stone structure.

Therefore, in 2009, the city of Boží Dar bought the lookout tower from Služby Boží Dar with the aim of renovating it. This could only be realized thanks to the “CÍL 3/ZIEL 3 Program to support cross-border cooperation 2007-2013 between the Czech Republic and the Free State of Saxony”. The city of Boží Dar implemented two projects. The first project included the complete reconstruction of the observation tower and the second project the reconstruction of the access road to Klínovec, including the construction of engineering networks. In the harsh mountain conditions, both companies proved their qualities and from June 2012 to October 2013 they realized the constructions. The total costs for the reconstruction of the Klínovec observation tower amounted to more than 15 million CZK, and the costs for the reconstruction of the access road and the construction of utility networks amounted to more than 55 million CZK. Of this, the European Union subsidy provided 85%, the subsidy from the state budget of the Czech Republic amounted to 5% and the share of the city of Boží Dar 10%.

These data not only draw attention to the very significant contribution of the European Union and the Czech state, they emphasize and at the same time appreciate the approach and merit of the small Ore Mountains settlement, the town of Boží Dar, in saving an extremely valuable and indispensable object for tourism, without which we cannot imagine the top of Klínovec.